I have been asked this question a thousand times, and I never tire of answering it. "What is the difference between wax and laser?" Well first I just wanted to make mention that I wax because I am a results oriented kinda gal.
A person comes in with a considerable amount of hair, and they leave hair free. Waxing helps me fulfill that something in my psyche that likes things instantly. It is indeed the primary method of hair removal used by moi.
Laser vs. Waxing
So you've heard that laser hair removal is freaking awesome, and that it works way better than waxing. Laser is NOT a permanent hair removal solution, and neither is waxing (go figure). Laser works to REDUCE the amount of hair growth. The results vary from person to person. Typically clients using laser as a method of hair reduction will have between 5-8 sessions every 4-six weeks.
Unlike waxing laser hair removal is a bit more discriminatory, it's ideal client has fair skin with coarse dark hair. As technology is constantly changing; It has been noted that laser technology has improved, and there are a few lasers that claim to have the ability to differentiate between the pigmentation in dark hair and dark skin and light hair and light skin.
I have seen clients make a mad dash for the nearest laser clinic and purchase their 6 session package, and then after about 6-8 months they are rescheduling their waxing sessions. If reducing the amount of hair is your main concern. Laser works great.
Waxing can provide a temporary solution to hair removal. When performed by a licensed esthetician waxing has been know to have excellent results. The wonderful thing about waxing to me it that there are no expectations. You come in with hair you leave with out hair,and it grows back in a few weeks and you repeat the cycle.
There is something very honest and human about waxing. That is why it is my favorite. I recently explored the art of sugaring. That experience will make for a great post in the future. What are your thoughts on Laser vs. Waxing?
Unlike waxing laser hair removal is a bit more discriminatory, it's ideal client has fair skin with coarse dark hair. As technology is constantly changing; It has been noted that laser technology has improved, and there are a few lasers that claim to have the ability to differentiate between the pigmentation in dark hair and dark skin and light hair and light skin.
I have seen clients make a mad dash for the nearest laser clinic and purchase their 6 session package, and then after about 6-8 months they are rescheduling their waxing sessions. If reducing the amount of hair is your main concern. Laser works great.
Waxing can provide a temporary solution to hair removal. When performed by a licensed esthetician waxing has been know to have excellent results. The wonderful thing about waxing to me it that there are no expectations. You come in with hair you leave with out hair,and it grows back in a few weeks and you repeat the cycle.
There is something very honest and human about waxing. That is why it is my favorite. I recently explored the art of sugaring. That experience will make for a great post in the future. What are your thoughts on Laser vs. Waxing?