There is no magic pill...that will give you instant success...hard work+determination+FOCUS=Success. That was a tweet (twitter-my favorite form of social media) that I sent out last week. disclaimer-It generally helps if you hava a passion first, then apply the combination. Just wanted to put that out there.
I attended an informational seminar given by Mr. Michael Angelo Caruso on June 23,2009. The seminar was aswesomeass. Mr. Caruso did an excellent job in sharing the keys to his success, and there it was. My Aha/Whew-Hoo moment came slightly after the seminar say around 3 or 4 am Wednesday morning, as I was sitting at my computer pouring over my notes and tweeting my heart out.
Looking for the magic combination to send this "WAXSTAR" into orbit. That magic combo was Hard Work+Determination+FOCUS=Success. It hit me like a ton of cushioney play play bricks, you know the kind you buy your kids...yeah those are the ones, but still a ton of them. I was jumping up and down running around in circles. Thank the Lawd above my husband was at work and my daughter was with my folks.
So this was truly my moment. I then made a pact with myself to not look for the someone or something to help launch my success. I am in charge of M.E. You've gotta love the irony. On my journey to Greatness I read or heard that I needed a publicist, so I sought one out.
I had a conversation with her the week before my Aha/Whew-hoo moment in which I was critiqued to the highest form one human being can be critiqued. From the top of my "damaged hair" head (no, my hair is not damaged) to the soles of my un-polished feet"(don't tell her that she couldn't see my tootsies). I thought to myself "self, she kinda sucks".
She could have been a bull in my china shop, but I was not having that. No Way No How!!! Change this, change that, do this, do that blah blah blah. I wasn't offended or the least bit hurt. I actually laughed, because she doesn't know me very well. She shoulda asked my daddy about his baby girl that is part him, and the larger leftover portion being my mother. A 5'3" woman that won't start a thing, but believe me there won't be anything either.
For goodness sake she got the "Right One Baby". It was coupled with her critique-a-pa-looza, and Michael Caruso's seminar that I realized. "I Am Enough". That if I worked hard, was determined, remained focused than I would be a success.
Ms Esthy,
I totally agree with you. What you're saying is such a Broad statement..to just be YOU. In a society that reeks for us to beome more european than any other culture. I think one of my "AHA" moments of being able to just be myself regardless of what others think, was when I took a class called Ethnicities. It was your run of the mill Social diversity class, that covered every cultured in the US and how they derived to be in America. When we (the class) got to the chapter about "black" people it was entitled "The Making of the Black man." The title immediately angered me. Thinking to myself NO one made me!! But as I investigated the chapter and corresponded it to what I knew about OUR African History. I find the "The Black Man" was actually made. As we ARE descendants from Africa. We had our own culture, Our own GOD, our Own religion, our own language, our own cusine. To think, that many "Black people" or descendants of africa suffer from High bllod pressure because of the adopted european cuisine that is mostly made up of processed foods. It is again another denial of SELF.
When we can see a china man or an arab man, or an Indian man speak in a different language(their native languages) to his son or wife while we shop in their stores, I ask you is it fair for us to get angry? Because we do not understand the language or because we often think they are speaking about us and just don't have the gall to say it to us in English? Why? They are being themselves. They have not denied themselves as we have. Many descendents of africa don't even know what their native languages are. We speak a language that is not our own and claim it as though it is. (because of this it is a loss of our history..IE a lack of communication) Many may say they are only American, and thats all they know thats All they want to be. I say to them,I challenge you to look deeper and harder in to your personal histories. Find out who YOU really are. and then get back to me. We were enough as we WERE. We are african. But made Black.
Cyndee...I appreciate your comment and passion on the subject of diversity. It is very important that "All Humans" including African Americans understand that individually and collectively that It Is Ok To Be Ourselves. I am certain that with your knowledge you will be spearheading the way to accomplish this very necessary goal.
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