My parents are polar opposites when it comes to their shopping habits...my mother is the avid bargain shopper, and my father is the "big spender" of the family, well at least according to her. I think I have a little bit of both of my parents' qualities in me. Since boarding the entrepreneur express, I am more conscientious of where I spend my money.
Don't get me wrong; I love me some Target' (that's French for Target), but it's a little different now. I make it a point to support local business, like yesterday when I dropped my watch off to Jay at Rizzo Jewelers to have the battery changed for $3.00.
Or when I hit up the sidewalk sales in Rochester, and stopped by Sole Sisters last week. I picked up a really cute pair of all black leather pumps for $20.00 and a super cool Made In Detroit hat that I just adore for $25.00.
So normally I would not pay $25.00 for a hat, or $75.00 for the jeans that I bought today at Bella Vita Boutique in Ferndale, but I want to spend my money with other local entrepreneurs. Since being in business, I have learned that smaller businesses cannot afford to buy in bulk the way that "big box" stores can; so the prices are higher.
To me it makes perfect sense to shop local to fuel my economy, and support the community that I live and work in. In my opinion, that is priceless.